It’s conveniently located underneath the gargantuan fossilized Ichthyosaur. Natural History Rocks! Aspiring paleontologists will enjoy exploring the fossil record through our History of Life exhibit.Other featured Pleistocene beasts include the Mastodon and Mammoth Megafauna cases, Gomphothere excavation display, Ice Age Mammals, and a real Tarpit of Doom. The showstopper is our hanging 38-foot California Gray Whale, the state marine mammal of California! Back on land, we have a dynamic fossil Tortoise display and a unique Hawver Cave special exhibit. The Marine Mammals gallery features aquatic favorites such as the unusual narwhal and loveable manatee.An interesting “sleuth” of omnivores can be found in the west lobby Bear exhibit. Many of these massive animals are herbivores, but if carnivores are your favorite, we have a few of those as well.

Come marvel at fauna from Europe, North America, South America, Asia, and Africa. The Animals of the World exhibit spans the entire Museum.There are more than 70 taxidermy animal head mounts and 140 skulls on exhibit focusing on vertebrate species. The Museum does not find it hard to get ‘ahead’.To reserve a loan trunk, contact the Museum Office at: more than 16,000 specimens at the Museum, there is something to spark the curiosity of each and every visitor. Mighty Minerals: native elements and other common minerals.Fantastic Fossils: specimens of single cell organisms, prehistoric flora, and megafauna.Natural History Rocks: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks.For more information, contact the Museum Office at Loan TrunksĮducators may borrow one of three Museum traveling trunks to use in their classrooms for up to two weeks:
Edu kids museem Patch#
Patch kit includes pack/troop tour and/or hike, workbook, and patch. The Museum offers a Junior Naturalist Scouting Patch in three distinct grade levels. To schedule a group tour or make an event reservation, contact the Museum office at: Scout Patch ProgramĮarn your patch with us. Any combination of the above field trip options.
Edu kids museem how to#